Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Are YOU Living?

Time and time I ask myself, are you living?  What I mean by this is, are you living the life you want to live or going through the motions in auto pilot and letting life happen to you.  I always want my answer to be, I'm living and I'm constantly creating the life I want to live as a direct result of my actions and thinking.

What you think can be a direct result to how you are living.  Are your thoughts positive or negative?  Ae you constantly in a state of worry or happiness?  Are putting others down or building them up?  Thoughts make up a lot what you do with your life, how you treat other people, and are a direct result of what type of influencer or role model you are.  Like it or not we are all role models as there are always people watching what we do and how we act.  

With all that said, I try not to curse.  Yeah, yeah, whatever I curse.  However I try to keep it to a minimum with awareness of whose in earshot.  Now that I just wrote that statement I realize how BS it is and that I should not curse at all.  GAME ON!  I'll let you know how that goes...

So, am I living?  I think I can do better.  I'm doing a lot of what I want to do, however not all of what I want to do.  I will invest more time into my photography and writing as I've greatly slacked off on these two through my pregnancy and post birth.  I don't and will not be that person that makes excuses as to why they didn't do the things they wanted to in life.  I hope you will not be that person as well.  I hope you are living and doing the things you want and not making sorry crappy excuses as to why you are not daily.  STOP LYING TO YOURSELF!  STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK!  Be your biggest cheerleader, be the you you want to be.  Don't wait, be your best you now!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

I'm back Y'all!

I’ve been flying like bird away from my blog for quite some time now.  Well, I’m back.  Why?  I had a baby.  Whew, that took a lot out of me!  But I’m so grateful for my our newborn baby boy, his name is Maddox and he’s freaking phenomenal… as he should be.  

I’m gonna be back to posting regularly again.  I’m a Mommy now, will that change my blog…  maybe perhaps some of the topics involving parenting, new mother, new father, kids, babies and such.  Other then that I will still rag about whatever.  muhahahahaaa