Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dates confirmed: 13 Weeks, not 15...

13 Weeks and 1 day today, November 15, 2017.

This ultrasound was two days ago.  Two days ago was a scary day!!!   They thought something was wrong with our baby because blood results didn't match up with age of baby.  We were sent to a specialist to find out dates were wrong, at the time they thought we were 17 weeks and they confirmed 13 weeks and to don't go off blood work.  Thank God!  

Definitely explains my lack of weight gain as well and why baby sits low.  Our baby is confirmed healthy in ultrasound and we are very excited.  We opted out of amniotic needle draw do to chance of miscarriage with the draw.  We decided blood work is ideal.  However we do have to do the round of blood tests again since they were thrown out because of the new age.  Everything is all good and gravy.  We will update with those results in a few weeks for all mother's who have similar scenarios.  

They are thinking a GIRL!  If so that's what we are thinking as well.  Yes, we do have a name already which we will update once they confirm.  

Blessings and happiness to all!  Be LOVE!  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

12 Weeks vs 15 Weeks Pregnant

12 weeks

15 Weeks 

As you can see the top picture is our baby at 12 weeks and the bottom is our baby at 15 weeks.  In the bottom picture baby is turned to the side with arm up (waving to all).  I thought it was just a big nose.  haha.  Doc says the arm is up, I said of course baby is saying hi and waving!  Let me think what I want...  I waved back of course.  Of course baby had an audience in the room, my MAN, my MOM, my MOTHER IN LAW, and ME!  What a nice doctor to let the whole crew in, thanks Doc!

For the first time the pictures above were not taken by me...  tear drops...  I didn't get to take our babies first picture as a Photographer.  Well, I sure as heck will be taking them once baby pops out and I can't wait!!!

At this time today we are now 16 weeks pregnant and super excited.  As far as changes with me, a ton of food aversions.  I don't drink the vanilla almond milk I use to drink daily (all throughout the day), I've turned my back on eggs, meat grosses me out, however I still eat it.  The food aversions have not changed my appetite, I STILL EAT A LOT!  Which is crazy because at my 15 week appointment the doctor said I lost three pounds...  huh?  what?  how?  I eat ice cream almost every other day  now and snack all day long between meals and definitely don't workout the way I use to at all, if any.   I was obviously advised to put on weight "you should put on a pound a week" well, well I'm trying Doc.  Not sure where all the extra calories are going, maybe to my brain.  

I didn't feel pregnant until about 8 weeks into pregnancy
1) boobs grew... finally!  The soreness kicked in
2) food aversions started
3) extremely tired everyday, which is better now in 2nd trimester
4) extremely light cramping
5) I only threw up twice during the first trimester
6) Started sleeping like a champ!  

This is such an exciting time for the both of us as this will be both our first!  What am I scarred of, LABOR!  Other then that I couldn't be more happy!  

We weren't trying for a baby, it just happened.  I met the man of my dreams and it just happened!  My whole entire life changed this year with new love, new life, new home, a new pet (Tigger the crazy kitten), new ride, beautiful outlook on life always, blog in new directions-everywhere like always!  

If you've recently become pregnant as well congrats!  If you're already a mom, my hat is off to ya!  If you're hoping for a baby it will happen just when it's suppose to, so until then keep living life as everything falls into place exactly when it's meant and baby dust to ya!

I love you all!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Why I Love Glen Ivy Hot Springs

Have you been to Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona?  I have now!  My Mom, her Husband, and I all went in May 2017 for my Moms birthday.  She treated me... muhahaha....  THANKS MOM!  She was even generous enough on her birthday to open up a tab at the bar for me, so yes I did indulge and then eat later.  lol  

We had an absolute blast!  What a place this is!  I believe I counted six or seven pools all with different types of water.  You want something really hot, they got it.  You want a regular pool, they got it.  You want epsom salt, they got it and more.  Of course I had to try all of them and had so much fun dipping in and out of each.  

We played in Mud then stepped into the Mud Room.  We rubbed green stuff all over our bodies then sat and let it sit in and afterwards my skin was OH SO SOFT!  Well, my skin is always soft but it did make it softer!  What a time we had!  

My Mom has been there mucho times, but this was my first!  I have to go back!  Next time the tab will be on me Mom!  We will just have to wait until after I deliver this baby inside of me to head back so I can indulge all over again.  No, no, no I wasn't preggo when I went in May.  Next time open bar tab is on me MOM!  

I heard you get in for free on you birthday, so if you're birthday is coming up soon go be lazy!  If you happen to be in Socal go check it out as you will not be disappointed, I PROMISE!

I can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

China House

We came to China House in Lucerne Valley about a week ago on our drive back up to Big Bear California.  My Love would always tell me about the China House each time we would pass the restaurant so he finally took me in to check it out.  What an amazing time we had and ate so much great food!

We were told to sit where we pleased and from there ordered what you see in the pictures above and more!  I didn't take a picture of the soup which I should've and definitely have to tell you the soup is absolutely amazing.  Our waitress was a young friendly female and twice throughout our meal a male, who I believe to be the owner brought us wet napkins to clean our hands.  He had an amazing personality and definitely ensured we had a beautiful time.

We left absolutely full!  My Love had warm sake which he said was great while I indulged on the tea and water, which I must say the tea was absolutely amazing! 

If you're driving through the High Desert definitely head out to Lucerne Valley and stop in at the China House as you will not be disappointed and leave with an absolutely full belly!  If you live in the High Desert and haven't checked this place out, YOU HAVE TO GO ALREADY!  This is by far the best Chinese food I've had in the High Desert.  

Thank you China House for the delicious food, great staff, and full belly!

We will be back!