12 weeks
15 Weeks
As you can see the top picture is our baby at 12 weeks and the bottom is our baby at 15 weeks. In the bottom picture baby is turned to the side with arm up (waving to all). I thought it was just a big nose. haha. Doc says the arm is up, I said of course baby is saying hi and waving! Let me think what I want... I waved back of course. Of course baby had an audience in the room, my MAN, my MOM, my MOTHER IN LAW, and ME! What a nice doctor to let the whole crew in, thanks Doc!
For the first time the pictures above were not taken by me... tear drops... I didn't get to take our babies first picture as a Photographer. Well, I sure as heck will be taking them once baby pops out and I can't wait!!!
At this time today we are now 16 weeks pregnant and super excited. As far as changes with me, a ton of food aversions. I don't drink the vanilla almond milk I use to drink daily (all throughout the day), I've turned my back on eggs, meat grosses me out, however I still eat it. The food aversions have not changed my appetite, I STILL EAT A LOT! Which is crazy because at my 15 week appointment the doctor said I lost three pounds... huh? what? how? I eat ice cream almost every other day now and snack all day long between meals and definitely don't workout the way I use to at all, if any. I was obviously advised to put on weight "you should put on a pound a week" well, well I'm trying Doc. Not sure where all the extra calories are going, maybe to my brain.
I didn't feel pregnant until about 8 weeks into pregnancy
1) boobs grew... finally! The soreness kicked in
2) food aversions started
3) extremely tired everyday, which is better now in 2nd trimester
4) extremely light cramping
5) I only threw up twice during the first trimester
6) Started sleeping like a champ!
This is such an exciting time for the both of us as this will be both our first! What am I scarred of, LABOR! Other then that I couldn't be more happy!
We weren't trying for a baby, it just happened. I met the man of my dreams and it just happened! My whole entire life changed this year with new love, new life, new home, a new pet (Tigger the crazy kitten), new ride, beautiful outlook on life always, blog in new directions-everywhere like always!
If you've recently become pregnant as well congrats! If you're already a mom, my hat is off to ya! If you're hoping for a baby it will happen just when it's suppose to, so until then keep living life as everything falls into place exactly when it's meant and baby dust to ya!
I love you all!
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