Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Do What You Love

Do you do what you love?  Have you ever taken a moment to put life on pause and think about what you love to do in this world?  I know it's not often you have a moment or perhaps you don't know how to create a moment for yourself which is valuable to self.  If you haven't, take a moment right now and think about what you love to do?

If you're having difficulty try thinking back to your childhood or when you were a teenager and let your mind recall the things that interested you.  Chances are those are still a lot of the same things.  Take a piece of paper and jot down things that come to mind even its it's the smallest of thing, jot it down anyway.  Now look at each and recall what about them brought you joy or even still bring you joy to this day.  Doesn't that feel good, to feel good!  Here is my list...

1) Photography
2) Writing
3) Helping people
4) Nature
5) Spending time with family
6) Music
7) Learning new instruments
8) Cooking
9) Hiking
10) Running
11) Fashion
12) Hair
13) Doodling
14) Time with pets

Your list will be unique to you as you are you and I am me.  Are you working?  Do you have a full time job?  Do you have a part time job?  If you are working does your job fall into line with anything on your list of that you love or loved to do?  If not, I feel for you...  Can you please start making time in your day to do at least one thing a day on your list?  Oh, you think you don't have time, silly goose.  Time is relative, time is what you make it, you create your time whether you think you do or not.  When your tv searching that's time, waking up earlier is time, on your break at work is time, when you can't fall asleep is time.  

Fact is, one day you will die.  It's inevitable.  Think that's harsh to say?  Climb out of your little box of safety and realize, one day you will die and when you do I hope you were spending time each day doing something you love and not making the dumbest excuse ever of "I don't have time."  That really is the dumbest excuse ever and so many people use that dumb excuse.  Blah, blah I'm to busy, I have to do this, or that.  BS, you always have time, it's what you CHOOSE to invest your time into every single day.   Are you a gossiper, do you get on the phone and talk about other people, if so use that time of your negativity and invest it into something positive, YOU!  Are you dwelling on your past or your past hurts, if so get over yourself already and stop living in the past and start living in the now!  

Did someone hurt you, if so sorry to hear.  Are you waiting for an apology or something to happen before you can move forward.  If so I feel bad that you're so stuck in your own head and can't let go.  It must suck to be you and live in the past like that.  Don't be a poor me person, poor me people are Suckebuses, they suck the life out of other people with their problems.  There's so many things you can talk about yet you invest your time into thinking about that.  That sucks.  Sucks to be you!  Now get over yourself!  Live in the present!  Now is the only real time you have, as yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't promised, so do something you love today and stop putting yourself off!  PLEASE, do it for you!

Are you unemployed or did you lose your job?  I've been there enough times and I know how that feels.  Use this time to do things on your list.  When you're doing things you love time doesn't exist, remember time is relative.  There's a great chance you will turn something you love into income because you love it so much.  

Please look at your list each day, when you wake up and when you go to bed.  If you're anything like me you wake up in the middle of the night with great ideas or have these amazing dreams that give you more ideas about things you love to do and how you can do them in different ways.  It's good to keep a notepad or the notepad on your handy dandy smartphone so you can jot things down as they come to mind.  

Why is it important to do things you love?  That's simple, because you are important and you matter.  Until you realize that and start mattering to yourself other then the same mundane tasks you to everyday you will be stuck in the same annoying pattern.  Be the creator and author of your own life!  

Now go do something you love, I just did!  I love to write, so I wrote this!  I love to help people, so I hope just nudged you enough to wake up!

I believe in you!

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