Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Simple Human

We recently bought a new trash can from Simple Human which got me thinking...  how simple am I?

Am I holding on to crap I know longer need because I think I might need it one day?  Am I materialistic?  Am I holding onto friends who know longer fit into my life or may even be dangerous for my life?  Simple human questions to ponder along with a whole lot more.

Just like you I live in this Universe where as humans you wouldn't even see us if taking a glance from space.  Yet, we make ourselves out to be so important and some portray they are better then others.  Are you a human who speaks to other humans?  What if that human is homeless?  Would you help your fellow human?  Although many wouldn't call it an opportunity, I had the amazing opportunity for my life to be drastically changed a few years ago and went from driving my muscle car, my own spot, and my fun life to sleeping on buses, sleeping in the streets, muscle car gone, money gone, and living daily with no place to call home.  This was the best thing that could've happened to me although I didn't realize it.  It brought me back to SIMPLICITY.

As humans we don't need much when we think we need everything.  I can't have kids until I land that job, can't travel until I make this much money, I need this car, and that toy, and gimme, gimme, and gimme some more.  We want so much all while missing the amazingness all around us every single day all day long.  Life is so simple, yet we make it so dramatic.  Why?  Who are you trying to impress human?  

I met the most amazing people on Earth when I was roaming and leaving my material possessions behind to never be seen again.  I had the best conversations with other people who didn't have all that jazz that society is selling us.  I had the best insights while sitting on the beach or simply walking.  I learned there are humans who don't have conversations about themselves and drama.  The simple act of physically moving your body forward and walking sparks creativity and gets your brain going.   I learned so much about myself by being without.  I learned so much about "friends and family."  I learned my friends and family are everywhere as we are all interconnected to one another and this amazing Universe.  I learned strangers are family members we are yet to meet.  Some should be avoided like the plague and beautiful energy sent their way because after-all, that human is also one with you which makes you them and them YOU!

How simple is your life or are you living in chaos?  Here's a simple start, remove the clutter out of your life.  We don't need to own EVERYTHING.  Shed items and humans that know longer make your life a BETTER LIFE, stop waiting!  Feathers will be ruffled and when they are be a duck, shake it off, and move forward.  Your future self will thank you for it.

1) junk
2) humans- stop waiting for that perfect time.  DO IT NOW!
3) old clothes
4) clean your garage
5) clean your car out
6) any items blocking natural sunlight from entering your home
7) clutter out of walkways and doorways- why shouldn't you move easily throughout your home?
8) old toys
9) useless chatter in your mind- yep, that can removed too
10) negative thinking
11) negative humans
12) negativity
13) bad relationships
14) self sabotaging self talk
15) whatever is not bringing you back to simplicity

Everyday we are teaching one another whether it be vicarious or direct.  We learn from one another through observation and contact.  We learn we either want to be nothing like that human or more like that human.  We learn about ourselves by watching others.  What you see that human do that you don't like- remove the same actions that cause you to be like that human from your life.  Remove the excess and bring YOU back to SIMPLICITY.


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