Are you a human who compliments other humans? I've really taken notice lately to how many humans "hate" on other humans.
Recently my family and I were at an event and I overheard someone sharing some wonderful news so I ran over and threw out some compliments and then... Mrs Debby Downer quickly jumped in with all her hating remarks while trying make her hate sound concerned and nice. I didn't have my pie of be nice to humans to slap her with so I just complimented again when her negativity stopped.
Where's the love? Oh here's another, you show someone or tell someone about something amazing and they have to ONE UP YOU. "Well that's cool, but what I have is wayyyyy better." Why can't humans acknowledge another humans without having to show or express why "they" are "better."
Now that I"m a Mommy I'm definitely running away fast from negative Mommy's who speak negatively about children and babies. OOOOOHHHHHHH good example right here- the new Gerber Baby was posted today and my goodness Mommy's left the most hateful comments ABOUT A BABY! WOW. Kairi is a beautiful baby and wow did some of the hating Mommy's really show their ugliness with their comments. I can only hope that those women grow quickly so they aren't teaching their children that same hatefulness.
-------and we wonder why bullies are in schools... it starts with the parents. Lead by example.
Let's all take a moment and ground ourselves. Go frolic on a beach, have a good nap, workout, read a good back, watch a happy movie, or MAKE LOVE! Do whatever it takes to get that negativity out of you.
Love is so much better.
Happiness is choice.
Let's all be nice humans.
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