Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Knock Knock

Do you knock when you go to your friends or family members homes?  This simple question can turn into a big debate depending on who you talk to.

Knock Knock!  I prefer to knock!  I personally enjoy having a heads up if someone is at the front door with a knock.  Why?  What if I don't want to see you?  This gives me a chance to hide and ignore you because maybe you didn't call before showing up and I'm walking around the house in my beautiful birthday suit imagining what I'm going to do next.. hopefully make love to my man!  But DANGIT NOW YOU'RE WALKING IN!  We're trying to make a baby here, please don't mess that up!  

Need another reason- if you're anything like me I like to get in a workout whenever there is time.  Half the time that means mostly naked or halfway naked, and BAM YOU WALK IN!  My new thoughts, boy would I enjoy throwing my front door at you... I would never do this, but that thought helps me to not scream and yell at you for barging in on my five seconds of free time to work on my health.  

Even if you did call it's a great idea to announce your energy at the door before you just walk in.  Every energy is different and I personally enjoy mentally preparing my energy for yours because I don't want my energy drained completely by your visit.  Let me put it this way- YOU NEVER KNOW HOW SOMEONE FEELS ABOUT YOU so be nice and announce yourself whether you're family or even THE best friend.   You never know what someone is going through at the time and BAM you walk in!  Be nice and knock and wait for someone to come to the door.  Maybe I'm busy hiding things I don't want you to see and BAM- YOU BARGE IN!  WTFudgersicle!  

Or are you THAT PERSON- "I don't have to knock when I go to my family members or friends homes."  I'd like to personally throw a pie at your face and knock you off your high horse with your narcissistic self.  If you're that person, do me a favor please,  go look in the mirror and tell yourself- SELF< STOP BEING SELFISH!  OTHER PEOPLES LIVES DON'T REVOLVE AROUND ME AND MY SELFISH NEEDS AND SELFISH THOUGHTS!  I WILL KNOCK ON ALL DOORS!  

With the holidays please remember to be kind and KNOCK KNOCK!


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