Monday, February 19, 2018

Putting Your Phone Away Can Increase Healthy Relationships

Albert Einstein said "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." I don't know if Mr. Einstein said this, but if he did, I totally agree!!!

Have you noticed how everyone is constantly on their phone? Next time you go out to eat take a look around and notice how many people are on their phones as opposed to actually having physical human interaction and communicating with one another. The very presence of a cell phone on a breakfast, lunch, or dinner table impedes human interaction. How so? The person who owns the phone on the table feels the need to constantly check their phone, update where they are, see what others are up to instead of communicating with the one in front of them, the phone beeps or rings, causing live communication to come to a halt. Is it really that difficult to put a phone away for a 30min-45min meal with a live human being. But, can you do more then put it away, can you actually silence your phone? Wow, I know that's a big one, to put it away and silence it! How involved do you need to be with the outside world when you are having live human contact and connection?

Cell phones have always bothered me since they came about. Yes, I do own a cell phone. I have one of the fancy Galaxy Note 8 phones that cost way to much money. I'm guilty of spending to much money on a phone like the rest of society, however I'm not guilty of constantly reaching for my phone and having it on breakfast, lunch, or dinner tables. I'm not guilty of meeting up with a friend or family member and being on my phone checking social media/shopping/updating/searching, I'm not guilty of using my phone as a crutch during moments of silence with friends and family. After all moments of silence are a great time to reflect upon one another and the conversation at hand. Or to simply look around the room and be observant or look around outside and notice earth.

I will not silence my children by putting a tablet or phone in their face. Instead, I will interact with them and communicate with them. I've heard numerous children and even teenagers say they feel as if their parent or parents care more about their cell phone then interacting with them. That's just horrible and sad.

Humans have became so reliant on their phones for directions to where the simple act of navigating their own town or city is difficult without map quest. I've noticed numerous teenagers who can't read an analogue clock and can only tell time by digital. I've noticed so many people who don't know the difference between North, East, South, and West. Are we talking to our children and teaching them or are we checking in on other peoples lives on our cell phones as opposed to building a genuine relationship with another in person.

I don't have many friends because I don't believe social media is a way of keeping in contact and having genuine relationships. I prefer a phone call or meeting in person. Yes, it is nice to see pictures of friends and family on social media, however it's even better to have a live conversation. When was the last time you took the time to hand write someone a letter and send someone actual physical pictures through the mail?

I do believe cell phones can cause a negative impact on relationships, which is why if you ever share a meal with me you will not see my cell phone out. Live human interaction is so much better, genuine, and relationship building. The person on the phone can wait until I'm free to give them a call or text back. I'd rather build with the person right in front me.

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