Monday, June 3, 2019

Are You NICE?

Nice Humans... Do you know some?

Over the past few months I’ve had a few encounters with some humans who weren’t very nice?  Why?  Who knows? 

First impressions imprint into the human brain instantly.  Within the first 10 seconds of meeting someone humans judge and come to realizations, from which the human is then categorized into the human brain. Which category do you fall into when you meet people?

I know I’m not the best which means I’m definitely striving to be a nice human to those I come into contact with, but some of you humans are really testing me lately.  What would Jesus do?  What would the Dalai Lama do?  What would your Grandma do?  What would Zulekha do?  Apparently at times I will yell, flip someone off, curse, and maybe just curse someone out in my head.  I’M TRYING NOT TO DO THESE THINGS…  walk away is the best answer when it comes to the rude humans.  

In Febraury I met someone who looked me up and down like I was a piece of… oh I wont say.  This really hurt my feelings and got me thinking, wow I don’t even know this human nor does this human know me but they give me nothing but negativity.  We can’t change everyones minds about us when they choose to judge.  We can make our best attempts to not let these encounters sway us and instead we can stand tall, smile, and move forward with our lives. Afterall there are so many NICE, COMPASSIONATE SOULS, HAPPY HUMANS, GIVING NOTHING BUT UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD.  

As humans all inhabiting this Earth let’s try and make great attempts to be nice to one another.  When we meet for the first time let’s not look at skin color, clothing, hair, stature and anything else that causes instant judgment.  Let’s smile and introduce ourselves and hope the BEST! 


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